It’s time to plan that next company/corporate event or special family gathering.
The pressure is on to pump some new magic into everyone’s experience…
Cowgirls Forever can help!
Sign-up now for your next fabulous Cowgirls Forever Cookout and become a legend!
Cowgirls Forever Food for your Body
Extremely simple, healthy food – no additives, nothin' out of a box – made and served for you in , traditional Cowgirl Style. Prior to your event, you will be asked to fill out a simple questionnaire. Meal options vary, so please call us with any questions. Cookouts are about 4 hours. Groups of 8 to 180, but we've served up to 250 on custom events. No food shopping, no prep work, no washing up – we take care of everything while you kick-back, boots up and e x h a l e.

Cowgirls Forever Food for your Mind
Nothin' will put a spring in your steps like watching these hearty meals being prepared and served to you, coworkers, family, and friends. With your first simmering mouthful from a Dutch Oven – you'll be transported back to a time when meals were real. Is that a burro braying in the background? No, it's probably all of those cell phones you insisted on collecting into a burlap bag – but still, you're on your way to feeling like a real Cowboy or Cowgirl. Forever.
Cowgirls Forever Food for your Soul
What better way to reward your team, company, or celebrate a special date ~ you'll quickly find that Dutch Oven cooking will touch your very soul. With spirit recharged, your mind clearer – it's undeniable that food is best when prepared, served, and enjoyed outdoors with friends you appreciate.

Teachin’ Time!
It’s time to dazzle your family and friends at your next meal! Tired of the same ol’ routine menus at home? Don’t really want to be sitting at a restaurant holding a buzzer? Want to make your next camping trip – one of LEGENDS?
Just sign-up for the next Cowgirls Forever Cookin’ Class and become a pro in no time!
Learnin’ Never Tasted So Good!
Our Cowgirls Forever Dutch Oven Cookin' Classes vary as much as your uncle's fishing tales. Most Classes hold from 8 to 80 guests (we'll break the larger groups into smaller groups for more fun). Each Class prepares 5 or 6 dishes. Want live music? Additional activities like Ropin' or everyone's favorite Salsa Challenge? Just call us for availability, pricing, and details. Classes take about 4 hours and some seasons are busier than others, so be sure to book your Class soon!

Fresh Ingredients

What to Bring & Where to Go?
Nothin' and everywhere. We supply utensils, ingredients, Dutch Ovens, and Award-Winnin' Recipes + the Cowgirl Coffee special brew. Closed-toed shoes/leather soles are highly recommended + your own containers on the rare chance that there are left-overs (outdoor eating increases appetites!) Classes are held in back yards, parking lots, driveways, parks – you name it (Your Campfire or Mine?). As long as we have easy access/short distance to our trucks, we bring our own metal cook tables, water, lanterns, and as always, our genuine Cowgirl Hospitality.

Learning – the FUN Way!

We're all busy, scrambling through our days ~ but it's important to make time to celebrate our lives, our family & friends, and to show gratitude for these gifts...
Your campfire or Mine?
Enjoy & Remember the Cowgirl Way ~ with Cowgirls Forever
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